When people think of studying and student life they often think about the socialising and partying that goes along with it.
In fact it’s common knowledge that students tend not to get enough sleep. A 2021 Harvard study revealed that as many as 96% of college students get less than eight hours of sleep each week night and 70% get less than seven. This is a risky situation that undoubtedly affects your ability to perform and your marks.
If, as a student, you intend on living in a commune or digs, getting a good night’s rest needs to be something you focus on even harder than if you are living at home. Here are six good tips for getting a good night’s rest – even if you are a student.
We’re not even one point into this article and we have already mentioned all the student partying. As a result there is bound to be times when your flat mates are partying up a storm and all you want is a night of sleep. Luckily at The Fields the rooms have been constructed well and will dampen noise so you are already off to a good start. In this situation being courteous will go a long way. Tell your flatmates or neighbours about when you are planning a loud evening and they will be sure to return the favour – then you can take precautions like investing in ear plugs or noise cancelling headphones or simply playing soothing music in your room at bedtime. The main reason for losing sleep as a student is not surprisingly the partying, but rather the stress. Being away from home while simultaneously trying to study, write papers and fulfil all the other obligations of getting your degree is bound to cause stress, so knowing how to deal with it will be important if you want to sleep well. Exercise is a great way to rid your body of tension, while also exhausting you for a good night’s rest. Other techniques for relieving stress include mindfulness, meditation and self-calming routines. There are a number of great free apps that can help you to deal with stress and let go of the day’s anxiety so you can rest easy in the evening. The Fields offers fully accessible and free Wi-Fi for every resident, which means it can be tempting to spend the night watching Netflix or simply scrolling on TikTok. Sleep experts advise turning off all electronics at least 30 minutes before you try to sleep if you want a truly deep sleep. The National Sleep Foundation suggests grabbing a book and reading as being the number one way to calm down. While this may seem to go directly against the advice above, there is one kind of digital assistance that does actually help sleep – apps designed for that purpose. Relax melodies lets you mix and match sleep-inducing sounds like rainfall, birds and flutes, The Calm app includes sleep stories designed to help you sleep and Sleep Time is an alarm clock that uses your natural sleeping patterns to wake you at the optimal time, which helps you feel alert and refreshed for the rest of the day. If you want to sleep well, nothing will help more than ensuring your room is best set up for sleeping. Choosing to study in The Fields’ study centre will mean your bedroom will have nothing but relaxing feelings for you, which can be enhanced by ensuring there are no bright lights from charging phones or heaters to break the darkness. Use light blocking curtains to not only block the light, but also deaden sound from outside and make sure you have enough blankets already prepared in case it gets cold. Apart from being a good way to pile on the weight, snacking just before you try to go to sleep is sure to give you that boost of energy just when you really don’t want it. While all food is a bad idea, those that contain too much sugar, salt, nicotine and caffeine are the ones that will really stop you from getting the rest you need. (Some foods that contain nicotine are potatoes, tomatoes and pepper). If these tips aren’t working and you are trying and struggling to get enough rest, it may be time to consult a specialist. Speaking to your doctor needn’t be your first stop, but don’t let your grades slide when there is obviously a problem. At the Fields the spaces have already been designed with a certain amount of customisation in mind and this includes the bedrooms. For instance, our bachelor apartment can accommodate a double bed or two single beds and a desk. So when it comes time to actually start decorating, you will just find it simpler, if you stay at The Fields. Also see our one-, two- and three-bedroom options as well as our neighbouring Howzit Hilda apartments.
Turn off your screens early
Use an app
Make your bedroom your sanctuary
Don’t snack before bedtime