A well written CV will get you the interview

October 19, 2021

We could wax lyrical about the sacrifices your parents or loved ones made for you to be privileged enough to go to university.

It’s almost time!

Make no mistake, you should always be cognisant and appreciative of them.

They got you there. The rest, as they say, is on your shoulders. Let’s do a quick review of what got you to the point of graduation. There are 8760 hours in a year. For simplicity, let’s work on a 3 year degree. Multiply the hours in a year by 3 and the total is 26280. Let’s say you’ve spent 25% of those hours studying, going to lectures, doing projects and the many other things students have to do. That equates to 6705 hours or 2235 per year. Those of you that went onto post-graduate or other degrees, can do the maths. It’s a lot of time.

No doubt in your bid to achieve at varsity, the old adage, fail to prepare, prepare to fail became crystal clear. When you’re at high school there is for the most part, someone to cushion your fall. At varsity however if you fail to prepare, it’s all on you.

It’s almost finals and shortly after graduation, it’s time to start your career. Getting over the starting line is difficult. There could be hundreds of graduates competing for the same position. This post will give you some key tips you can use to stand out among your competition.

First, get the interview

To get an interview, you need to get noticed by the human resources department whose job it is to match the job specification to applicants that fit the requirements. The way to get noticed is first, compile a professional CV that highlights your suitability for the job and stands out among other applicants’.

This is a list of things you should never do when preparing your CV:

  • Don’t hand-write it, no matter what. Ensure it’s typed on a PC preferably in Microsoft Word (you could use something free like Google Docs) and then convert it to a PDF document before you send it.
  • Spelling or grammar mistakes are a no-no. Download a free app like Pro Writing Aid to help you.
  • Using SMS language or using acronyms looks unprofessional, unless they are well known or commonly used in the industry. As a rule of thumb rather type the word out in full.
  • Don’t try to be funny or cool. Unless you’re applying to be a comedian.
  • BigBoss@hotmail.com is going to get deleted before it’s opened. Use an email address with for example your name and surname.
  • Avoid using a nickname on your CV no matter how long your friends or parents have used it.
  • It is easy to spot a CV that has been copied directly off the web. You can use a template but change it to apply to you and the position you are applying for.
  • Never lie about your qualifications or experience, it could destroy any possibility of a career.
  • Keep away from putting the amount you want to earn in your CV.

This is a list of things you should do when preparing your CV.

In conclusion, your CV represents you when you can’t be there. With thorough research and attention to detail, your CV will get you the interview. Invest the time and you will be in front of your future boss quicker than you think.

The Fields is a hot favourite off-campus student accommodation in the heart of Hatfield. We wish you the best of luck and strength preparing for your upcoming final exams. We are here to ensure the environment at The Fields is one where you are able to study, relax and enjoy your final months in University. If you need anything, please reach out to us.

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